William Redfield

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Rowing Through Lent

A Virtual Program

Not surprisingly, Lent very easily becomes a caricature of itself. While having significant spiritual potential, more often than not, it often devolves into a season of temporarily giving up chocolate or suspending our drinking. Not that these in themselves are necessarily bad; it’s just that Lent’s meaning and depth are often squandered.

Drawing on a program I prepared four years ago, this experience will weave together two strands. Besides working with some of the more traditional liturgical readings appointed for the Sundays in Lent, we will weave into that rich fabric a thread from the experience of rowing in an eight-person shell. While this will be experientially new to most every participant, I myself have encountered some lasting spiritual growth in this experience, and I want very much to share it with others.

In this rowing material, besides drawing on my own experience, I will be utilizing both the book and the movie entitled, “The Boys in the Boat.” I highly recommend both the book and the movie to deepen one’s Lenten experience.

As I have in past programs, I will be drawing on a fundamental transformation to which I believe we are all called—I refer to it as the “Wisdom transformation.” Rather than employing spiritual information that we must learn, however, this work assumes a greater Wisdom lying dormant within each and every one of us, awaiting to be awakened and activated.

Specifically, this season of Lent will draw on the themes of inner truth, authenticity, sacrifice, and surrender. We just may find that these themes surprisingly correspond to the issues that emerge in rowing in an eight-person crew.

Rather than just expounding on any of the theoretical aspects of Wisdom, in this program as in my other programs, I will be intent on helping Wisdom practitioners actually integrate and embody this Wisdom in order to manifest it in the specificity of their lives. While aimed, then, at individuals, I appreciate that this requires the foundational underpinning and support of a Wisdom community. Thus, in these programs we have wanted to find new and unique ways of connecting people and building community. 

This virtual program of recordings will run from February 1 and the conclusion to Epiphany to Ash Wednesday, on February 14, and on throughout the duration of Lent and Holy Week. Throughout Lent we will have two recordings a week, that will each be about 20 to 25 minutes in duration. Once we hit Palm Sunday on March 24, however, we will have a recording every day. This will take us through Holy Week and right up to and including Easter Sunday on March 31. As in past programs, I will continue to use the means and methods that seem to work so well—recordings to carry the exploration and the teaching as well as Zoom groups to deepen the integration of the material and to develop a fabric of community and support for this work.

Because of the varied levels of time and opportunity on the part of participants, I encourage people to engage in this program at their own speed. These recordings will continue to be available beyond the program’s conclusion.

Zoom Groups

Again, I will utilize the Zoom groups to deepen integration and to foster community. For this program they will meet on Thursdays, at 10 am (Eastern) and 3 pm (Eastern). These gatherings are completely optional. These Thursday Zoom groups will commence Thursday February 1 and will continue through Holy Thursday, March 28.  Usually, we will spend much of the hour and a quarter in small breakout groups of three, addressing specific reflection questions. Participation is always welcomed, but consistent attendance is not required. The links to these Zoom groups will be able to be found in the “Zoom Groups” document in the left-hand column on the program page.

I continue to find the use of audio recordings to convey the teachings to be far more effective than the usual E-course format. There seems to be something about the vibratory resonance that calls forth the heart and the body, and not just the intellectual mind. Music is utilized not to sentimentalize the experience, but to deepen the vibratory intensity.

All the orienting information and recordings will be available on a password protected page for your continued access. This provides a container for our work that will provide safety and respect.  


This program is offered in the spirit of a gift exchange. It relies on both parties in the exchange accessing that wider orbit from which both gratitude and generosity flow—in both directions. I desire that you receive this gift of this program from me; and I want to give you, in your gratitude and generosity, the opportunity to respond to me from your heart through your donation.

Donations can be made through PayPal by clicking on the “donate” button on my website. If you prefer to use Venmo, please e-mail me for my information. Or, if you prefer, you can send a check to me (234 Cushing Road, Newmarket, NH, 03857).

You can also support my work by spreading the word. Please feel free to forward this invitation on to family and friends whom you think might be interested. 


A signup is required because this program will be password protected. This format will help to create a container of safety within which we can do this work. Also, it will allow me to send materials and instructions directly to you. Registration form is found below. In response to your signup, the link and password will be sent to you before the scheduled start of the program.

Further Questions

Please E-mail your questions or concerns (bill@williamredfield.com). What is unclear to you may likely be unclear for someone else.


To sign up, please E-mail me using the form below and I will then send you the link and required password.

I am so grateful for this opportunity and look forward to sharing it with you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like further information. 

See this form in the original post