Cynthia Bourgeault has written about the Imaginal realm, referring to it as, “the realm separating the denser corporeality of our earth plane from the progressively finer causalities which lie ‘above’ us in the noetic and logoic realms.” That’s a lot to take in and a lot to understand. Let me put it this way: The Imaginal is the realm that lies between the visible realms of this material life and the indivisible realms beyond. But rather than functioning to separate, the Imaginal serves to jointhe realms together by penetrating this earthly life and connecting us to the realms beyond. Cynthia suggests that it manifests itself as an elusive aliveness, guiding our authentic unfolding.
In a groundbreaking series of three blogs on the Northeast Wisdom website, Cynthia lays the groundwork for a deeper understanding of the Imaginal and even maps out its nesting position in the vast metaphysical ray of being. That is an amazing way to initiate this investigation.
What I would like to contribute to this inquiry is an experiential taste of this deeper dimension in order to tie it more directly to our everyday experiences in this finite realm. I would like to do this in the following guided mediation. Using a piece of music — Peter Kater’s Heart Chakra — I will guide you to an experiential discernment of our connection with the Imaginal.
But first we will prepare ourselves for this encounter. So, allow me to get us situated into a perspective — a frame of reference, if you will — from which we might best be able to recognize the Voice from the Imaginal that is longing to interact with us. For this I will use two other pieces of music to get us to that point — Into the Gloaming by Meg Bowles and Ray of Light by Lucette Bourdin.