Wisdom needs to be experienced in order to be fully known. Practice is specifically designed to help us in that. But the best kind of practice is done in community with the opportunity to learn from one another’s experiences. Join us for our weekly Practice Circle on Tuesdays, 10—11:15 am (Eastern). Please email me to receive the Zoom link and password.
Surrender leads to truth & reality.
Attention leads to awareness.
Compassion leads to love.
Presence is intimacy with self, others, universe.
“I Know that You Are Dying” prepares us to witness a loved one’s crossing over the threshold to death.
Our lives are informed, guided, supported, and even interpenetrated by higher realms. Receiving from the Imaginal Practice assists us to experience this reality.
The Anima Mundi is the Spirit of Nature. The Arousing the Anima Mundi Practice helps us to reclaim an intimacy with this Spirit and all of life and to experience the re-enchantment of Nature.
Combining components together from all three categories of Wisdom Practice (surrender, attention, and compassion), The Heart of Presence Meditation contributes to the opening of presence to all that is before us.
The Welcoming Practice is intended to cultivate surrender to our deeper Self in times when we might be grasped and carried away by challenging feelings and situations that are difficult to endure. It can also be used to move beyond the alluring feelings of inflation and self-congratulations.
This practice builds on the previous embodiment practices and helps us to find our grounding in the body.
A model that will serve as a container for a fully participatory understanding through felt sense.
A pragmatic practice that locates us in the midst of political turmoil. It is an application of my program, “Finding Your Wisdom Voice.”
The foundation stone of all spiritual work and necessary for the right alignment of all that will be built upon it.
Giving and receiving prayer-filled love takes us to a further orbit of reciprocal connectedness with all of life. In fact, it delivers us to the very Heart of Life.
As Wisdom practitioners, we humbly respond to the calling of being prayerfully present to those who have very recently died and for those who grieve them.