Group Discussion Instructions


Mondays @ 7pm - 8pm Eastern:

Wednesdays @ 7pm - 8pm Eastern:


Each Monday and Wednesday in Advent from 7 to 8 pm (Eastern) those who desire can gather for our Zoom groups. All participants will be E-mailed a link that they can click on at that time, and it will bring them right to the meeting. That link will be sent only to those who have signed up for the retreat. There is just one intermediary step, and that is to choose and click on “allow.” You will not have to download anything ahead of time. A laptop or desktop computer will work better than an I-pad or cell phone. A steady Internet connection is imperative.

This Zoom platform will allow me to gather our plenary group for a short time and then to divide the large group into a number of small breakout groups. These small groups of three will be randomly assigned, and participants will have two periods of roughly 20 minutes in these small groups. Because these groups will be randomly assigned each time, we will not be in the same groups throughout the week or even on the same day. Therefore, time utilization and directed group process will be supremely important.

Thus, potentially using discussion questions as beginning prompts, the participants will have the opportunity to put their learning and their experience into words. Why is this important? Struggling to put words to our experience is a very crucial way that we can integrate the material into our consciousness. Indeed, one important way that passing experiences get integrated into abiding stages is through putting our experiences into language and offering these in shared conversation. Rather than just expressing experience, this kind of discussion can actually deepen experience itself. The overriding purpose of these small groups, then, will be to support our unfolding throughout the week. 

Also, these small groups will provide the opportunity for participants to meet and share with other Wisdom students from all over the world. This is a wonderful way of creating community.

Because of time constraints, this cannot be any kind of lackadaisical conversation. It must be directed toward real depth and sharing. Additionally, the container of each small group must be safe and sturdy enough to hold the trust necessary for this kind of sharing. In most groups, this group development toward open and honest sharing takes time. Because we will not have such a luxury, we will have to bring a high level of intentionality and maturity. We ourselves, then, must be emotionally and spiritual prepared to engage in this vital group work.

Consequently, I am asking each and every one of us to come as prepared as we possibly can for this work together. Strikingly, the “surrendered presence” that will contribute to the efficacy of our small groups will be both the goal and the means of our Advent work together. Holding our smaller identities loosely will mean they will be less likely to get in our way.

Our time will begin with the plenary group. To prevent competing sounds and distractions, everyone’s microphone in this large group will be muted except my own. In the upper right hand corner of the screen, participants can choose a “gallery view” (in which they will be able to see all of the faces) or a “speaker’s view” (in which they see only my face.) After greetings and orienting directions, I will introduce some questions or issues for reflection. I will then divide us all into small groups.

Each small group will develop its own structure and format. It might be useful to begin with some very brief introductions. Then each group might dive into responding to the discussion questions, making sure that each person gets an equal share of the time. 

In such intensive time-limited small groups, the group norms are probably obvious. In our exchange we must move beyond right and wrong, beyond judgment and evaluation, and beyond trying to impress each other. Listening thoughtfully and carefully is imperative. Stretching ourselves to be honest and forthcoming will not only benefit us in the long run; it will also encourage the greater risk-taking of all. The deeper the level of exchange, the more everyone will benefit.

These gatherings on Zoom are optional. Many people will simply not be available at this particular time. My hope, however, is that everyone will be able to process their experience in one way or another. One might write in one’s journal or share experiences with a trusted friend or family member. After the retreat is over, I will provide an opportunity for participants who so desire to write to me of their experience. I will then ask permission that certain responses be shared with the larger group.