
Having experienced Earth, Air, and Water—we touch now the Fire of transformation.

The yes’s of our consents torch the alchemical fire of our transformation.

Giving birth to that which is within yourself… The essential candle of the truest ‘you’ desires to be lighted and to burn with the light of love. Tallow and wick cannot be protected or ultimately preserved. It is only in the burning that we will find our truest place in life and the reason for which we have been born.

Living at the junction of the vertical and the horizontal we can let go while also taking hold.

We are the cosmos.

Guided Reflection

If possible, use headphones.

Cited Quotations

Yeshua says...

See, I have sown fire into the cosmos,

and I shall guard it carefully until it blazes.

Logion 10, Gospel of Thomas

Yeshua says...

Whoever comes close to me

dwells near the fire.

Whoever moves away from me

remains far from the kingdom.

Logion 82, Gospel of Thomas

Yeshua says...

When you give birth

to that which is within yourself,

what you bring forth will save you.

If you possess nothing within,

that absence will destroy you.

Logion 70, Gospel of Thomas

Yeshua says...

I am the light shining upon all things.

I am the sum of everything,

for everything has come forth from me,

and towards me everything unfolds.

Split a piece of wood, and there I am.

Pick up a stone

and you will find me there.

Logion 77, Gospel of Thomas

Yeshua says...

Whoever drinks what flows from my mouth

will come to be as I am

and I also will come to be as they are,

so that what is hidden will become manifest.

Logion 108, Gospel of Thomas

This is the story of the birth of Jesus the Christ.

Mary and Joseph were engaged (but not living together yet) when Mary found out that she was pregnant. Being a decent man, Joseph didn’t want to put Mary through a public disgrace, and so he decided to break off the engagement quietly. But even as he was contemplating this course of action, a messenger of the Lord suddenly appeared and spoke to him. “Joseph, son of David! Don’t be afraid to marry Mary, for the child conceived in her is there by the Holy Spirit. She’ll have a son, and you will name him Jesus, as he will rescue his people from their wayward self-separation.”

And so the prophecy spoken by the Lord through Isaiah was fulfilled: “Look, a virgin will conceive and bear a son, and they will name him Emmanuel, ‘God-with-us’”

When Joseph woke up, he did what the messenger had instructed him to do, and married Mary, but they did not consummate their marriage until she had given birth to a son. And Joseph named him Jesus.

Matthew 1:18-25

Reflection Questions

“The yes’s of our consents torch the alchemical fire of our transformation. It burns us into a wholeness that is in vibratory resonance that resounds through the universe. It is the fire of this transformation by which we can bear the beams of love.” – What does this mean to you…?

What are the tallow and wick of your own life…?  What is the fire…?  How is your wick being burned down…?

How might you relate differently to “the Son of Man” as opposed to “the Son of God?

Can you relate “bringing forth that which is within yourself” with entelechy…?